"Feed Me." Because for the past 2 days, that is all that people have done when they see me. It is great!
Monday breakfast: donuts from French class.
Monday midmorning snack: cookie from Rachel.
Monday lunch: baked beans, pulled pork sandwich, and mashed potatoes from BYUSA in celebration of the term ending.
Monday midafternoon snack: some sort of bread or something in the Writing Center.
Monday dinner: dinner at the 2nd counselor in my bishopric's house. Asian chicken salad wrap, grapes, vegetables and ranch dressing, pink lemonade and raspberry lemon sorbet for dessert.
Monday after-dinner: food from Shoots. Winnie came over and brought some of my favorite things from her restaurant. Which is amazing.
Monday dessert: then Jacob came over and brought me a Rolo McFlurry from McDonalds. Delicus.
Tuesday breakfast: Brick Oven pizza, strawberries, and salad from the Writing Center.
Tuesday lunch: same thing.
Tuesday snack: donuts from the Writing Center.
Tuesday dinner: I wasn't even hungry.
Wednesday breakfast: Zucchini bread from Brad at the Writing Center.
Wednesday lunch: ? I'm about to go out on a lunch date now so we'll see :)