The world is your oyster!: We am sorry        

These are a few of my favorite things:

pina-colada flavored italian ice
dance parties
dressing up
love :)


My name is Heather.

I am 22 years old.

I am an East Coast girl
who also loves Utah.

I love my life. How could I not?

The world is my oyster :)
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I like that word....

I like that word....

The World is your Oyster

The World is your Oyster

I'm a Mormon

"If you love what you know, share it!"

Here's what I love:


another traffic counter

blog traffic counter


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We am sorry

I just want to say, since I can't say this anywhere else, that I have about a million complaints against my math teacher. I'm not going to list my complaints, I just want to rant for a second.

We had an assignment worth 20 points that I turned in and got 15 points on. My score appeared on gradebook a week ago. I could see the comments on it yesterday. For whatever reason, gradebook wouldn't let me access them until then. The first comment says:

1. REALLY?? Dr. Monroe and I am sorry? Before you think I am psycho for getting so upset over a simple grammatical error, you should know that my math math teacher, spent literally 40 minutes of the second class period talking to us about the importance of conventions and using correct grammar and sentence structure and making our writing professional and only turning in really polished work. Why the hey does that say "Dr. Monroe and I am sorry" when it should say "Dr. Monroe and I are sorry."

2. Dear TA, I are sorry that there is no meaning or joy in your life. I are sorry that you have nothing better to do than send out snippy emails that people will have to scroll down to read. And by the way, those millions of pictures on facebook of you kissing your sister over and over and over again, are awkward.

3. The comments weren't made available to me until yesterday so there was no way I could have looked at your gay comments and fixed anything until then.

4. You are a TA. You are no better than me. And your grammar is no better than mine. In fact, it is worse.

5. And furthermore, a college education costs thousands of dollars. And I don't work 2 and a half jobs so I can give 160 minutes of my week to attending a class "taught" by an idiot and her snarky minion of a TA.

Whoo. Sorry about this negative post. I was just about to write back and say, "I are sorry that I didn't see these comments before," and I knew that wouldn't be a good choice, so I just had to blog about it instead.

Positive things:

I got free food last night!

I got a free donut this morning!

Jacob fixed my bracelet!

I had bonding time with the roommate last night!

I haven't slipped on the ice / snow / slush yet!

Bachelor is tonight!

Hopefully that list evens everything out and you leave here feeling happy again :)

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