The world is your oyster!: Mother of Mine        

These are a few of my favorite things:

pina-colada flavored italian ice
dance parties
dressing up
love :)


My name is Heather.

I am 22 years old.

I am an East Coast girl
who also loves Utah.

I love my life. How could I not?

The world is my oyster :)
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I like that word....

I like that word....

The World is your Oyster

The World is your Oyster

I'm a Mormon

"If you love what you know, share it!"

Here's what I love:


another traffic counter

blog traffic counter


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother of Mine

When I was younger, people often told me that I looked like my dad. Obviously my dad is handsome and stuff, but now that I am older and people have started telling me I look more like my mom, I am quite happy about it. She is pretty. And a girl. And if I remind people of her in any way, I am flattered :)

One time when I was little, I remember staying home from school because I was sick. Or "sick" maybe? Anyway, my mom brought me a pink tray with coloring books and crayons and a plate of eggs, and I just sat there being "sick" and taken care of. I think that's why now, I love taking care of people when they're sick! And not to brag, but I think I'm pretty good at it. 

Every year, my mom likes to take us to Larriland Farms to pick strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and whatever else is in season and sounds good. We will make jams, syrups, and anything else with those jams, and it is always so yummy. 

My mom is nice because she's my mom and my friend. I remember the day after I got my first boyfriend, and I txted my mom all excited. She called me right after I sent that txt. I love thinking about that conversation because she was so excited for me and we just talked like she was one of my friends my own age. 

When I was in Florida, my family drove down to visit and left the Sabie car with me for the rest of my college program. When my program ended, my mom and Julie flew down and drove back to Maryland with me. We had a great time because my mom is such a fun travel companion! We could have just driven straight from Florida to Maryland, but instead, we stopped by a plantation and went to St. Augustine's on our way home. 

She let me drive super-fast, and just appreciated it. She engaged us in fun conversations. We logged our trip in a little notebook. We introduced her to music that we liked. 

My mom is a great mom. She loves being a mom! I love that she loves her job. I never ever feel like she would rather be anything else than my mom. I have grown up believing that the job of a mother is the best job there is, because my mom believes it. 

She is a mother to seven of her own kids, but she is also an honorary mother to many people. This picture is us with our honorary brothers: the Pest Control Boys of 2009. Kelly and I met them in our singles ward when we were home for the summer, and had them over for dinner almost every Sunday until they left. They loved our family and especially our parents. I love how my mom welcomed them and cheerfully fed them. She is an example to me of great generosity and hospitality, because boys can eat a LOT.

Birthdays are special to my mom! Every year, she cuts out signs like the one above for our birthdays. When I was at college, she sent me my own letters so I could carry on the tradition. Besides this tradition, we like to go around the table and give everyone the chance to say what they love about the birthday girl or boy. My mom comes close to crying every birthday :) We also read what my mom wrote about our birth, and it is so beautiful and nice. 

My mom always wants to improve at something. I don't know where her number is.....maybe she didn't participate in a race in this picture? But whatever. The point is, she runs. She used to walk every morning, but she's gradually built up to jogging and running. She is always setting goals for herself, which inspires me, because she is never just stagnant. She works on earning her Young Women's medallion, and when she finishes, she starts over. She reminds me that no matter how good you are, you can always get better at something. 

My mom is cute with my dad. They are so cute I want to die. One time, I was driving with my mom and "Falling for You" by Colbie Caillat came on the radio. She called my dad and the following conversation happened:

Dad: Hello?
Mom: Hi Sid! I'm just driving with Heather, and there's this cute song on the radio, and I think I'm Falling for you!......Hello? Sid?
Dad: I gotta go. *Hangs up*
Mom: (all sad) I think he just hung up on me....

Later, my dad called back and explained that he had been on a business call and just quickly answered my mom's phone call, but then got flustered and didn't want to say anything romantic so that his business buddies could hear, so he just said he had to go. I still make fun of him to this day about that. 

My mom makes me feel like I am great at anything I do! She always encourages and supports me, whether I am trying to learn a song on the piano, about to go take a test, working on becoming a teacher, or trying out a new hairdo. She asks me for advice. I even gave her a few piano lessons! She was such a great pupil :)

Before I went back to college for my second semester, we had a great photo shoot in the BWI airport. Also, my mom said that she was sad that we were going back to college, but she was also happy, because she knows that it is a good thing. 

My mom had a GREAT time at college. Ah de boys loved her and tried to take her on dates and stuff. 

But she only looks at one boy like this!

My mom is a good daughter. She loves and respects both of her parents, and they always say she was the perfect child. Which must be why she got 7 perfect children :) Karma can be a good thing sometimes....

One time, I was in the kitchen doing homework or cleaning or eating or something, and my mom was in the next room over, reading a book to Sarah. The book she was reading was called "Oliver Pig at School" by Jean Van Leeuwen. It is about a pig named Oliver and his first day of school. He worries about normal things, like who will be his friend, if his teacher will be nice, and how he will get on the right bus to go back home.

I heard my mom reading in the background and didn't pay too close attention. Then I heard her voice start to quaver a little. Then it rose in pitch. 

"What if no one talked to him on the bus?" she squeaked. "What if no one talked to him all day?"

We make fun of her for it, but secretly, I realize that I am turning into my mom. You know why? Because the other day, I read the 5 classroom rules that my 2nd grade team came up with, and I started crying a little. Because they were so darn cute. 

And you know what, I am fine with turning into my mom. She is a darn decent lady, and I love her :)

Happy Mother's Day! Thanks for birthing me!

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